Fulfillment is over 50% complete!
about 1 month ago
– Sun, Jan 12, 2025 at 10:23:41 AM
We're actively fulfilling orders! Any orders with CGC will still be about 60 days out. Books need to be signed by Jamie and submitted to CGC. More updates on those as we're closer to getting them signed.
All orders except for CGC are expected to be shipped by 1/17!
Thank you all again for your support and patience.
Fulfillment SHOULD begin NEXT WEEK!!
2 months ago
– Thu, Dec 12, 2024 at 02:09:42 PM
- Paper Comics printed, received, scrubbed for damages, boarded and bagged and ready to go.
- Foils arrived, prepped and ready to go.
- Metals arrived, prepped and ready to go.
- Bookmarks arrived.
- Magnets arrived.
- Campaign Box Arrived
- Stickers
- Poker Chips
- Pins
- Shikarii Box
All Items have been ordered and tracking says ALL SHOULD BE HERE NEXT WEEK! Fingers crossed they do arrive.
I posted a video of all the items here!
Once again thank you all for your support.
Anyone who supported Jinkies #2 on the CE website. Those comics are being picked up tomorrow by myself personally. Metals are done. Foils have been ordered. All push goals have been ordered.
Thank you all once again for your extreme patience on this!!
ALSO!! 44 People have not filled out their surveys yet so please check your inboxes, spam folders etc for your email to fill out your survey or you won't get your books!!
Thank you,
Comics have been delivered!
3 months ago
– Mon, Nov 25, 2024 at 07:30:16 AM
Once again, 1st and foremost I need to thank everyone for their patience. This has been delay after delay but it's moving forward!!
The comics have arrived!! We made a trip to the printer on Friday and picked them up personally. We had a meeting with the owner of the printing company and she was amazing in going over damages with us. She's committed to improving the packaging process to minimize damages which causes reprints which causes delays!
We opened up some of the packages and looked at them at their warehouse, and this batch looked really good. We're committed to only shipping out the best possible products to you so if we have to have a delay to get quality books out, it's a necessary step to take. Once again, thank you for all of your understanding!
The foils are printed and delivered.
The metals are also delivered!!
Now we just need the push goals and we can start getting things fulfilled!!
Friendly reminder: There are 47 people who still need to complete their surveys so please check your emails (possibly look in your spam) to get those done!!
Thank you all so much!
Fulfillment Update
4 months ago
– Fri, Oct 04, 2024 at 01:16:32 PM
Hello Everyone Shawn here Co-Owner of Merc Publishing.
1st off I'd like to thank everyone for their patience! This project is behind schedule and that's getting fixed.
The special edition of the comic should be done by next week. We have final numbers and the printer is ready for the order. The order should be printed and received to us in 2 to 3 weeks and we should have all push goals by then.
Ultimately we hope to have this completely fulfilled by the end of October or 1st week of November.
There are LOTS of things happening behind the scenes and we're excited to make some announcements of the direction of the company and characters for 2025!
Once again, thank you so much for your support for all the projects we've done so far to get us to this amazing place we are within the comic community, and thank you for your patience on this project.
I'll be posting updates from here on out to keep everyone informed.
Backerkit surveys are on their way!
7 months ago
– Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 11:27:30 AM
Look out for your Backerkit surveys this week!
Sorry for the wait on these, you guys. We just sent out the smoke test, so 5% of backers will receive their surveys first to help us catch any mistakes we may have missed. Everyone else will receive their surveys tomorrow to the email associated with your Kickstarter account. If you have an apple id or .me account, please email [email protected] to update your email as those won't work with the Backerkit system.
Miss Meow #7 Kickstarter Special Edition will be going to print as soon as surveys are completed! Shipping will start in August as scheduled. Thank you all so much for your support!